Organic SEO If you are familiar with digital marketing, you must have heard the term SEO or search engine optimization. Organic SEO is an important part of the whole SEO spectrum. If you are planning to hire professional services for your business, implementing the Organic SEO strategy is must to get the desired results. In this blog, we’ll get familiar with the Organic SEO and its importance.
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What is Organic SEO?

Organic SEO can be defined as the non-paid practices that help a company to rank high on the SERP of search engines like Google or Yahoo.
When you search some information about a product on the Google, it will show a relevant list paid and unpaid results based on its algorithm. Organic results will usually shows on the top or below the paid advertisement.
In some cases, unpaid search results shows on lower ranking on the SERP such as Google local pack, “people also ask” section and the feature snippet. To know more click on the link.
Difference between organic SEO and non-organic SEO

The cost is main difference between the organic SEO and non-organic SEO. You cannot buy high organic search engine rankings.
Different areas of the SERP is acquired by the paid search results and organic search results.
If there is any paid as that is search specific will show on the top and bottom of the SERP, whereas organic search result shows below the 3 paid ads or at the top of the page.
Why businesses rely on the Organic SEO?

These are following factors behind the dependency of businesses on the organic SEO:
- It increase their online visibility.
- Create quality leads
- Attract large and relevant internet traffic
- Strengthen online sales
- Help in the Growth of the company
Google local packs

It is defined as the list of three local businesses that Google show together for the search of local product and services. This list usually appears on the top of SERP, above the organic search results.
According to Google, the local search results based on these three factors i.e. relevance, distance and prominence. With the combination of these factors, Google shows accurate matches for the local search.
If you rank high on the Google local pack, your local business get more traffic hence, more sales. According to a research done by Google, 76% people conducts the search for local businesses within 24 hours and 28% people purchases through that local search result.
As you know, Google Adwords, commonly known as Google ads is an online advertising platform that used by the businesses to promote their products and services on the Google platforms like Google search, YouTube and Google Maps. If you want to more about the Google Adwords you can read our blog.
Organic SEO does not qualify for the businesses who pay for Google ads but advertisers with their Google ads account can choose specified goals for their ads to increase their website visits, customize their budget and target audiences and operate their ads anytime.
According to zero limit web, paid ads shows before organic search results on the SERP. 15% traffic clicks are for that paid search or some other search and remaining 85% clicks are for the organic search results.
How organic SEO works?

Organic SEO is an umbrella term under online marketing strategy, which comprises these important factors like link building, keyword research and content creation which helps your website to rank high in the organic and unpaid SERP.
Importance of organic SEO

If you aspire to have a top ranking in the SERP for your business or company, you need to have an excellent organic SEO.
Numerous studies shows that, 71% of search traffic clicks Google captures on its first page and it is reported a huge growth of 92% in recent years.
But keep in mind, topping the SERP ranking doesn’t guarantee you a website visit. The first 5 results get 67.6% of clicks and remaining five get 37.3% of clicks.
As a company owner, you want to increase your site visibility, so need to include a good organic strategy to your company’s marketing budget.
Factors that affects your organic SEO ranking
Search engines like Yahoo, Google, and Binge etc. has their algorithm which determine their SERP ranking. In this section, I will explain the key factors that affects your organic SEO ranking.
1. Title tag and meta description

On page SEO is the technical backend of the website pages, Google bots looks at title tags, Meta description, URL, header tags, keywords and more for determining the part of content add more value to the person’s query. Your website will definitely rank high with proper on-page SEO.
2. URLs optimization

URL structure is important for SEO. It is a powerful tool in achieving satisfactory Organic SEO results. Proper usage of URL provides potential sight visitor insight about the web page and help to improve CTR through link share.
For URL optimization follows these steps:
- All URLs must be in lowercase
- Avoid using underscore
- Hyphenate between words
- Relevant keywords
- Avoid complex words
- User-friendly and shorter URLs
3. Content
Content marketing strategy usually focused on:
- Creating and sharing valuable, consistent and relevant content
- Attracting the quality audience
- Thriving profitable customer action
Content marketing strategy is shallow space without a good organic SEO. There is no SEO without content. For your content to be organically successful you need both relevant and useful searches.
Your content creation must be useful, informative, credible, high quality and engaging in order to get the organic SEO success.
4. Algorithm updates

Google algorithm has the sole authority over website rank given by any SERP. SEO algorithm referred to the written code that scans the internet and rank sites according to it. Google algorithm comprises of series of algorithm.
For finding the most useful information for the search queries, search algorithm checks this following factors:-
- The words of the queries
- Page relevance and usability
- Source expertise
- Local and setting
How to improve your Organic SEO rankings?
These are the organic SEO techniques which will enhance your digital marketing strategy and help you to achieve your business goals in less time.
1.Make quality content

Quality content is necessary organic SEO technique to enhance your digital marketing strategy. Google considered quality content as the high ranking factor in its SERP rating. A digital marketer should post the content on their website that relevant to their business and solve the queries of the users. This process will provide you a long term benefits. You should create new content time to time and update your old content as well. Add links in your new content which are relevant to your old content. It will help Google to recognize the relation between these pages and thus it increase your organic SEO.
2. Keyword research

Keyword research is the base of the organic SEO. Keyword research is extensively linked with the SEO from a very long time. Keyword research is the fundamental component of the digital marketing strategy because it serve as a guide for it at its every stage. There are numerous keyword research available such as Ahrefs keyword explorer, Google keyword planner etc. which can be used easily to improve your strategy.
3. Mobile optimization

A website which is mobile friendly have higher chances of top SERP rankings. According to SEMRush 73% of internet users approximately will access the internet through mobile by 2025. So, having a website which have a smooth user interface on mobile as well as desktop increase your SERP ranking and it is good organic SEO technique. Mobile friendly updates by Google leads to a noticeable change in the website ranking.
4. Local optimization

Local SEO is the most preferred technique to promote your small business or brand locally. Local business has more chances of getting higher ranking and visibility in Google SERP rankings from its similar virtual counterparts globally. Use your city and State name in your website’s title tag, Meta descriptions, H1 heading, URL to optimize your website according to your locality.
5. Page speed

A slow-loading website can drown your all SEO efforts in just mere seconds. A website must have fast loading page, if your web pages take visible time to load, users will move to other website. Thus, your website bounce rate will increase eventually. You can increase your web page speed by cutting down on redirects, compressing images, avoid custom fonts etc. A faster website decrease your bounce rate and help you in achieving your marketing targets easily.
6. Prime focus on User’s experience

When it is comes to the organic SEO, your all tactic should be focused on the user’s experience. Google always considers bounce rate, click-through percentage and dwell time of your website for optimizing your ranking. You main goal is to attract user click on your result, spend time clicking on your web pages and minimum 3 minutes are spend by the user on your website.
These are some of the key factors you consider which will help Google to increase your rank in the SERP results and provide your user a good experience.
- Your website must have mobile friendly UI/UX design.
- Your website is easy to navigate by the users.
- Your web pages are easy to load.
- Your website must have user interactive features.
- Your website content quality must be top notch.
Organic SEO is good digital marketing strategy to attract the web traffic towards your website. If it is done properly and strategically, it will definitely yield good results. But keep in mind that Organic SEO is a passive process, it will take time to get the desired results. However, when it is done completely, it will give you exceptional results. I hope this blog provide you details analysis about the Organic SEO and its importance. Follow the tips and tricks mentioned in this blog and boost your SEO strategy. If you want to learn more about SEO, you can join our online course as well.
Organic SEO can be defined as the non-paid practices that help a company to rank high on the SERP of search engines like Google or Yahoo.
The cost is main difference between the organic SEO and paid search. You cannot buy high organic search engine rankings.
It is long- term process which usually take minimum six month – 1 year for ranking most of the keywords. It is work which takes patience.
With the constant efforts and above mention factors in the blog, one can definitely rank high on Google.
In India it will cost around 5k-25k INR per month and for oversees it’s around $100-$250 per hour.
It is big no, avoid any kind of link buying because it is a violation of Google webmaster guidelines and would cause you a hefty penalty amount.